A rotary heat exchanger (also called a heat exchanger) is a device used to transfer heat energy, usually used in air conditioning and ventilation systems. If a rotary heat exchanger has air leakage, it may lead to reduced system efficiency, energy waste, or failure to achieve the desired temperature control. The following are possible causes, principles, and treatment methods for rotary heat exchanger air leakage:
1. Reasons:
-Damage of rotor seal: Rotary heat exchangers are usually composed of multiple rotor blades. The seals between the rotor blades may leak air due to aging or damage.
-Structural damage: The shell or structural parts of the rotary heat exchanger may leak air due to long-term use or external damage.
-Improper installation: If the rotary heat exchanger is not installed properly, such as loose sealing or incorrect installation position, it may also cause air leakage problems.
2. Principle:
- Air leakage will cause the performance of the rotary heat exchanger to deteriorate because the air leakage will make the heat exchanger unable to effectively isolate the hot and cold air flows, thereby reducing the heat exchange efficiency.
-Air leakage may also cause unstable pressure inside the system and affect the normal operation of the system.
3. Treatment method:
- Check the seal: Check the sealing parts of the rotary heat exchanger regularly to ensure that they are intact. If the seal is found to be damaged or aged, it should be replaced in time.
- Check the structure: Check the shell and structural parts of the rotary heat exchanger regularly to ensure their integrity. If any damage is found, repair or replace it.
-Reinstall: If it is found that the air leakage is caused by improper installation, the rotary heat exchanger should be reinstalled to ensure that it is installed in the correct position and is tightly sealed.
When dealing with the problem of air leakage in the rotary heat exchanger, it is important to ensure safety. You can ask professional technicians to inspect and repair it according to the specific situation. Timely discovery and resolution of air leakage problems can ensure the normal operation and high efficiency of the system.


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